Finca el Moro

Centre de Retraite de Yoga 

Finca el Moro, où une véritable retraite est possible

À Finca El Moro, vivez l’harmonie parfaite entre tranquillité et accueil personnalisé. Notre retraite familiale offre un environnement chaleureux et accueillant, niché dans un paysage isolé, idéal pour ceux qui cherchent à se détendre et se reconnecter avec eux-mêmes, loin de l’agitation de la vie quotidienne.


dans notre magnifique Shala, nichée parmi les arbres, guidée par un enseignant expert.


dans l'une de nos charmantes gîtes andalous restaurés, un chez soi loin de chez soi.


des délicieux repas préparés avec amour, utilisant des produits biologiques cultivés sur place.

Calendrier de Retraits 2025

Retraites enseignées en anglais


Yoga and Walking 

with Clive Fogelman 

10-17th May

Yoga and meditation led by Clive Fogelman with meditative walks though the stunning countryside during the height of spring. Wild flowers, birds and butterflies everywhere, a feast for the eyes.

Clive has a diverse background in group facilitation, yoga, meditation, psychotherapeutic work and sports coaching. He specialises in working with people on an individual and group level in diverse organisational, private, and community settings. He has significant experience in; management and recovery from illness, bereavement, managing stress and anxiety and sleep coaching. 

Find out more about Clive here

Price from 1315€

Yoga and Sound 

With Ida and Marieke

17-24th May

Back for round two after a wonderful first instalment of the Singing Sisters Retreat. Asana, Pranayama, Meditation, Bhakti and lots of lots of sound. A feast for the ears and all the senses. More information coming soon. 

Yoga Retreat 

With Alison Henning

7-14th June


This retreat is a space for students to immerse themselves in the practices of yoga.  Longer, more dynamic practices/workshops will be offered each morning, with quieter and restorative practices taking place late afternoon.  Early mornings will be experienced in silence, with daily meditation and pranayama.

Alison is an experienced yoga teacher, based in West Yorkshire.  She teaches to support students’ mental and physical wellbeing, with particular training and experience in restorative yoga, adaptive yoga and yoga for those living with cancer. Dynamic, more physically demanding classes are taught with much attention to detail and a focus on alignment  – but primarily with care and a good-humoured heart.

Get to know Alison here

Price from 1055€ per person

Scaravelli Inspired Retreat 

With Caroline Hutton 

5-12th July 


Originally inspired by Vanda Scaravelli, Caroline begun practicing yoga in 1997. Caroline’s yoga teachings take direct inspiration from her tutors Christine Borg and Diane Long, who she started working with in 2003.

What she sees in her students is a real sense of joy and excitement at the discovery of what has always been there: a playful freedom that most haven’t felt since childhood. Through deep enquiry and exploration and the ongoing practice of sincere attention and intention, Caroline will take you on a journey throughout your body, with love, attention and patience. You will begin to experience something new, it starts as a faint whisper but ends up singing out loud and you begin to understand what its feels like to be really alive in this wonderful body of yours.

Get to know Caroline here

Price from £1080 per person

Earth and Fire

With Claire Wilson 

9-15th August


Claire is back again to teach us how to breathe, to move freely, to dance, to laugh, to journal and to have heartfelt conversations. A caring and thoughtful teacher who can effortlessly guide your mind and body to do things you didn’t think possible. You can expect Vinyasa Flow  style yoga practices always accompanied to great music and an Introduction to Tantra Philosophy.

Get to know Claire here

The Ashtanga and Reset Retreat 

With Katy Scherer

16-23rd August

« I love to blur the lines between tradition and modernity and find it fascinating, scary, provocative and transformational! An Ashtangi at heart I find comfort and support within the traditions of the practice, completing 7 months of study in Mysore under Sharath Jois and gaining his blessing to teach in 2022 where I received my authorisation.

When it comes to breathwork and pranayama it’s a different story. After years of traditional practice I shook things up and dove head first into the world of breathwork where I experienced the life altering power of breath! »

Come and practice with Katy and find out more about her here

Prices from 1100€



Breathwork and Yoga 

With Elena and Alex 

31st August – 6th Sept

Our retreat offers a unique blend of breathwork, yoga, cacao ceremonies, meditation, deep connection, and music.

This harmonious combination of body, mind, and spirit allows you to deeply connect with the present moment. Enjoy relaxing hours by the pool, nourishing interactions, and delicious, organic meals from the farm. The animals and plants make this place a magical, temporary home. During this week, everything is taken care of so you can welcome true rejuvenation and inner peace.

Discover more about them here

Prices from 999€



Yoga and Ayurveda

With Katherine Yannucci

13-20th September

Immerse yourself in the healing power of nature through guided hikes, nature walks, and outdoor meditations. Feel the earth beneath your feet and the fresh air in your lungs as you reconnect with the natural world. Katherine will offer a variety of wellness practices, including yoga, pranayama, meditation sessions, and holistic workshops dedicated to supporting your journey toward balance and well-being.

Katherine G. Yannucci is a Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner, E-RYT 500 Yoga Teacher, Global Retreat Leader, and a Master Reiki Practitioner. She is a member of the National Ayurvedic Medical Association (NAMA) and Yoga Alliance. As a lifelong student of holistic health modalities, she loves to share the teachings with her clients, friends and family. Her studies and health experiences with Yoga, Reiki, Chinese Medicine, and Ayurveda, have led her to teach in a way that blends all of these practices. Her passion is to empower her clients to take control of their health with a holistic approach.

Yoga and Ayurveda

With Kayla and Elena 

20-27th September

Join Kayla Weber and Elena Delgado Vazquez for this incredible 7-day healing journey in the beautiful southernmost region of Andalusia, Spain, where you will breathe, move, connect with your inner wisdom, and align with the rhythms of Nature. As you explore the ancient practices of Ayurveda, you will enhance your health and well-being by focusing on the principles of health – nutrition, movement, emotional well-being, meditation, and rest. In this retreat, not only will you learn about Ayurveda, but you will also integrate its ancient teachings by creating your own Ayurvedic daily routine, or Dinacharya. Thus, the benefits of your experience will extend beyond your time in the retreat.

Each principle of health will be woven into all daily practices. We will gather in the mornings for meditation, yoga, journaling and/or sound healing. During the day, you will have the opportunity to get intimate with the land, dive deeper into your own personal practices, or simply relax and immerse yourself in the slower Andalusian way of life. We will end each day with a relaxation practice such as Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga or Yoga Nidra, will integrate and will sit together in a sharing circle.

Price from 1510€


Si vous avez besoin de plus d’informations sur l’une des retraites ou si vous souhaitez réserver, veuillez remplir le formulaire de demande ci-dessous.

9 + 14 =

Pourquoi choisir Finca el Moro pour votre retraite de yoga en Andalousie, Espagne

Hospitalité familiale authentique : Dirigée par des personnes passionnées qui se soucient profondément de votre bien-être, notre maison offre une touche personnelle qui fait de chaque invité un membre de la famille.

Cadre naturel et isolé : Entourée de paysages vierges et nichée loin des distractions urbaines, Finca El Moro est un havre de paix où vous pouvez vous immerger pleinement dans les pratiques de yoga, de mouvement et de méditation.

Enseignants exceptionnels : Nous avons la chance d’accueillir des enseignants honnêtes, passionnés et très expérimentés. Profitez de cours de yoga soigneusement conçus — que vous soyez débutant ou avancé — au milieu du cadre paisible de la nature.